Hermitage Infant School
At The Hermitage Infant School, Science is sequenced to develop children’s substantive and declarative knowledge, as well as make meaningful links across the curriculum allowing children to embed their knowledge in new and often real-life contexts.
In Year 1, children start the autumn term with 'Everyday Materials', linking this learning to their Design and Technology project 'Puppets'. When learning about 'Humans', they learn about parts of the human body and those associated with the senses. In the Spring, 'Seasonal Changes' are observed and linked to weather, living things and day length. They revisit some of this learning in the Summer term when learning about 'Plants', linking back to their knowledge about body parts and senses and identifying commonalities when learning about 'Animals'.
In Year 2, children begin the Autumn term learning the survival needs of humans, before expanding to study animals within their habitats. Building on learning from Year 1, children learn about the uses of materials and begin to understand changes of materials through simple physical manipulation, such as bending and twisting. During the Spring, Year 2 learn further about Plants, with children observing what plants need to grow and stay healthy. Finally, in the Summer term they return to learn deeper about Animals, thinking about what animals need to survive.
Hermitage Junior School
At The Hermitage School, we aim to provide a learning atmosphere which encourages curiosity, perseverance, open-mindedness, critical reflection and co-operation. We endeavour to provide a broad and balanced learning experience for all our pupils and, wherever possible, opportunities to develop skills and gain an understanding of science concepts through first-hand experience and practical work.
Our aims in teaching science include:
- building on children’s natural curiosity and developing a scientific approach to problems
- encouraging open-mindedness, self-criticism, perseverance and responsibility
- preparing children for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world
- fostering concern about, and appreciation of, our environment
- building children’s self-confidence to enable them to work independently and developing their social skills to work co-operatively with others
- helping children to acquire a progressive understanding of scientific ideas
- giving children the experience of scientific processes
- helping children to acquire practical science skills
- providing children with an enjoyable experience of science, so that they will develop a deep and lasting interest and be motivated to study science further